开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 PRODID: / / eventon.comNONSGML v1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:64efd775942b6 DTSTAMP:20230830T185741 DTSTART:20230912 DTEND:20230915 TZID:America/Chicago LOCATION:Chicago McCormick Place 2301 S Lake Shore Dr\, 60616-1417 SUMMARY:FABTECH DESCRIPTION: North America’s Largest Metal Forming\, Fabricating\, Welding and Finishing Event FABTECH provides a convenient ‘one-stop shop’ venue where you can meet with 1\, 300+ world-class suppliers\, discover innovative solutions\, and find the tools to improve productivity and increase profits. There is no better opportunity to network\, share knowledge and explore the[..]\n//www.zhangzhaohu.com/events/fabtech/ URL://www.zhangzhaohu.com/events/fabtech/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR