开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 PRODID: / / eventon.comNONSGML v1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:64efd77d7158f DTSTAMP:20230830T185749 DTSTART:20231004 DTEND:20231006 TZID:America/Chicago LOCATION:Wisconsin State Fair Park 640 South 84th Street\, West Allis\, WI 53214 SUMMARY:Wisconsin Manufacturing & Technology Show DESCRIPTION: The Wisconsin Manufacturing & Technology Show (WIMTS) is the State’s largest manufacturing event\, with nearly 3\, 500 in attendance at the last show. This year it’s back with more of everything – 100\, 000 square feet full of exhibit displays\, competitions\, seminars and knowledgeable industry executives and professionals eager to help you[..]\n//www.zhangzhaohu.com/events/wisconsin-manufacturing-technology-show/ URL://www.zhangzhaohu.com/events/wisconsin-manufacturing-technology-show/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR